Recruitment and Retention Center (RRC)

Established in 2015 to assist study teams with the assessment of study recruitment feasibility and ways to maximize participant retention, the Recruitment and Retention Unit covers all stages of clinical trial and health research study design. The team is composed of PhD and MD investigators, a nurse manager, an administration and finance professional, and research coordinators. 

Our resources for investigators include patient and community advisory groups and message templates for contacting study participants. We also train investigators to use Epic and the ResearchMatch volunteer registry to find study participants and perform feasibility research to generate study hypotheses.

The unit is co-directed by Scott E. Sherman, MD, MPH, Shonna Yin, MD, and Aisha Langford, MPH, PhD. Program coordinator Celina Rodriguez manages the daily operations of the unit. 

Contact Us

For more information or questions about these services, contact Celina Rodriguez at